Sunday, March 29, 2009

City of David Return - Dead Sea Springs Enot Tzukim

Today we returned to the City of David (the oldest part of Jerusalem, where David lived). We were able to meet with Eli Shukron, an archaeologist with the Israel Antiquities Authority. whose involved heavily with exploration at the City of David.

In this photo we are sitting on the 2 original stones that Eli discovered just 5 years ago that led to the discovery of the Pool of Siloam. Pictured here is Oni Amiel of Amiel Tours, myself, and Eli Shukron.

We are looking at current excavation of what is believed to be steps that went up from the Pool of Siloam to the Temple Mount (southern steps).

Here we are standing above where the Pool of Siloam stood, it was a 1 acre pool. You can see the steps from the first photo in the background on the left.

They believe that this may be the water tunnel that Joab entered through to capture Jerusalem from the Jebusites for King David in 2 Samuel 5.

Next we took another exciting trip to the Dead Sea. We witnessed prophecy coming alive. This area is called Enot Tzukim, and it's a nature reserve with hundreds of natural springs of water flowing up to the surface and into the Dead Sea. This entire area was under water (in the Dead Sea, where nothing can grow or live) just 30 years ago. Because the Dead Sea is shrinking by about 1 meter a year, this land is now on the shores of the sea and all these natural springs of fresh water have emerged. They pump this water around the area and with the super-rich soil it's a superb environment to grow crops, which is what they do. We passed acres and acres of date palms, tomatos, grapes, just to name a few. 70% of Israel's exported crops are now coming from this desert!

There's even fish living in it!

We're right between the Dead Sea and the Judean desert (near Masada and Qumron, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found).

Several springs meet here and flow right into the Dead Sea.

This is prophecy being fullfilled right before our eyes, read Ezekiel 47 and Isaiah 35, it's incredible! Here's the Dead Sea right below this nature reserve with the springs of fresh water!