Monday, July 14, 2014

"Quiet Time" with the Lord

"...In the secret place of His tent He will hide me..." (Psalm 27:5, NASB).

God will talk to you while you're on the run, but you'll hear more when you sit down and listen. Christians for thousands of years have credited having a daily quiet time with God—a daily appointment with God—as the source of their spiritual growth and peace.

By spending time with God each day you are making a declaration of you dependence on God. You're saying, "My rebellious, independent days are over."

Here are some "Quiet Time" helps:

  • Make it special. It may be a corner of the living room or a desk in the family room, or just a lazy-boy somewhere, but find a space that becomes a familiar place for meeting with God.
  • Be creative. Susannah Wesley had 19 children. You know how she had her quiet time? She would sit down in a chair and pull her apron over her head—and woe to the child that disturbed her!

    Jewish men take their prayer room with them, they pray under a tallit, or prayer-shawl.
  • Let music enhance occasionally, but not distract. Christian music can set a tone of worship and praise. I find that instrumental praise music distracts me less than really upbeat contemporary Christian music. Remember, the purpose of this time is to have God speak to your heart through His Word.
  • Believe that God is going to meet with you. "Every morning you'll hear me at it again. Every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on your altar and watch for fire to descend" (Psalm 5:3, MSG).

The Scriptures say, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you" (James 4:8, NASB). "The Lord is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" (Hebrews 11:6, NASB).


Pastor Mark Martin
Calvary Community Church