Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Persecution in America?

I recently read a teaching I did almost 12 years ago about Christian persecution; it seems almost prophetic. What do you think?

“I’m not so sure that very soon in this very country, we may end up having to face persecution towards the church. The way the government is going now, it’s possible that you, as a Christian, may have your liberties taken away. You’re not going to be able to discipline your children as the Scriptures say. You may not be able to educate them in the schools you want. You’re going to have homosexual groups begin to impose on and persecute the church. Already, they’ve actually infiltrated and disrupted services; bit and spit at people going to church. This is going to become more and more commonplace, and if you raise your voice and say, ‘Look, this is what God says about how we should believe and live,’ we’re going to be in for some persecution. I’m not looking forward to it, but I’m not going to bury my head in the sand, either. Things are going to change; believe me. We need to know why we believe what we believe. Why am I not a non-believer? Why do I believe in Christ?”