Here's an interesting follow-up to my last blog post, some good news from our friends at the Family Research Council:
At Mission Viejo High School in California, the biggest bully in class was the one leading it. James Corbett, a teacher with over 20 years experience in Capistrano, refused to keep his hostility toward religion a secret. As other students would attest, it was not at all uncommon for him to lash out at students who supported creationism, calling it "religious superstitious nonsense."
By 2007, sophomore Chad Farnan, a student in Corbett's Advanced Placement European history class, decided he'd had enough. After gathering enough tape-recorded evidence, Farnan filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court, determined to force his teacher's bigotry out of the classroom. During the suit, he cited over 20 examples of Corbett's rants, which ranged from equating God to "a spaghetti monster" to declaring that religion was "invented when the first con man met the first fool."
In an overwhelming vindication of students' rights, Judge James Selna declared that every child deserved an education "free of a government that directly expresses disapproval of religion." For too long, objectivity and the free exchange of ideas have given way to an American classroom that is nothing more than a platform for the liberal social agenda. When Corbett expressed his personal religious opinions, he was crossing a legal line that few students realize exists. As Judge Selna ruled, every teacher has a constitutional duty to foster free and open debate even if they personally don't agree. Because of Chad's courage, kids across the country have an opportunity to learn a meaningful lesson that right does still prevail.
Although he won the suit, Chad hasn't asked for a single cent. His biggest reward will be paving the way for kids like him to protest the intimidation tactics of liberal teachers. His was a teacher who once said, "When you put on your Jesus glasses, you can't see the truth." But as even the court confirmed, Corbett is the one who was short-sighted.
If your child has been the target of religious discrimination at school, we can help. Call us at 1-800-225-4008 and we'll put you in touch with attorneys at the Alliance Defense Fund who can explain your constitutional rights.
Additional Resources
Watch Chad talk about his experience on Fox News