Here we go again, it seems like this issue will not go away. Special interest groups just won't give up on trying to pass a law to create a special class of victims under the guise of a "hate crime." When you think of it, aren't most crimes motivated by hate? What people must understand is that ALL victims of crime are already protected under existing laws.
The real intention of hate crimes legislation is to silence those who oppose the practice of homosexuality. Now, before you call me a "homophobe," let me assure you that I have the utmost compassion and concern for anyone who's dealing with this complex and difficult issue. I have taught my church to extend the love of Jesus to those who are struggling in this area. We believe that Jesus died for every one of us and that we are all sinners who must turn from our sins, whatever they are, and place our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (John 3:16-17, Romans 1:16-17, 1Timothy 2:1-6).
However, the Bible very clearly teaches that practicing homosexuality is sin. Hate crimes legislation will be used to muzzle our voice concerning this issue. A similar law has already been passed in Canada with a devastating effect on churches. Pastors have been prosecuted because they have compassionately taught on this issue. If someone listens to a message that offends them, it can be reported as a "hate crime." I personally know of one ministry that was forced by the Canadian government to cease its ministry to cults and as a result had to move their offices to the United States. One pastor was sentenced to jail time in Sweden (a country that has been known as extremely "open minded") because he preached a sermon on what the Bible says about homosexuality (see CBN story).
It seems that many Americans are forgetting that our country was founded upon the right of freedom of speech. This liberty is subtly being eroded and it appears that if we do not act now we will find ourselves in a politically correct dictatorship which does not allow us to speak freely and practice our religion without restriction.
There is no doubt that hate crimes legislation will threaten churches and pastors who want to "...correctly explain the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15).
This will not only effect your church and your pastor, it will directly effect you because you will not be able to talk freely about these issues at work or school without the threat of being accused of hate speech and being fined or incarcerated.
Ultimately, the Gospel itself could be considered offensive "hate speech" because it proclaims that Jesus is the only way to Heaven and that other religions do not lead to God. What next, will we not be able to teach what the Bible says about stealing, adultery, or murder?
Is this where we're headed in America? I surely hope not. It has been said that "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing." We don't want to see this country, that God has blessed for over 200 years, change like this. Yes, it seems that America has for the most part turned its back on God, but we need to stand in the gap and intercede for our nation. We need to pray for America, we need to reach more people for Christ than ever before, and we need to speak out and work against laws like this that will take away our most basic freedoms that allow us to fulfill the "Great Commission" to "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel."
As of Thursday, the current legislation in the House of Representatives, H.R. 1913, has just passed through committee and will be going to the full House for a vote, possibly as early as Wednesday, April 29. I have already contacted my Representative in Congress, you need to do the same. In Arizona, those of you who live in the Northwest Valley are represented by Congressman Trent Franks, who already opposes this legislation. I cannot stress enough the great need to contact other Representatives as well and voice (or email) our opposition to this law.
Support or opposition seems to be going down party lines, with a majority of Democrats supporting it and mostly Republicans opposing it. This means we should try and communicate with as many Democrats as possible, and they are in the leadership positions. It's okay to tell them you oppose this even if they're outside your district.
Any member of the House of Representatives can be located and contacted through and all Senators can be found at The direct line to Congressional switchboard is (202) 224-3121. Contact all of the national leaders, too, and express your opposition.
I would like to suggest a couple of articles that shed more light on these unnecessary laws from Focus on the Family's Citizenlink and the Family Research Council.
This issue is ultimately not about homosexuality; it's about preserving our right to free speech and the practice of our faith. We can no longer take these rights for granted, we have to stand up for them. It seems those who have been preaching tolerance and acceptance aren't practicing it themselves towards Bible-believing Christians. They will not rest until they silence our voices. If we sit back and do nothing, we only have ourselves to blame when it becomes a crime to be openly Christian. Take a few moments and do your part.