It's pretty huge up there, lots of space and lots of trees cover part of it. We were right in front of the "Dome of the Rock."
This is the "Dome of Spirits," directly north of the golden dome, it's on top of where they believe the "Holy of Holies" was in the Temple.
We walked through the Antonia Fortress and these stones are from the time of Christ and would be the place where Jesus was scourged before His crucifixion.
A walk through the busy market in the Old City.
Teaching on the Southern Steps of the Temple Mount.
We finished the day at the Garden Tomb, where Jesus may have been buried for three days and three nights before His resurrection.
Nearby there's an area with what looks like a skull where Jesus may have been crucified (Golgotha), it's the word we translate "Calvary."
The tomb is still empty!!